Fully customizable, ready-to-use CMS for App and website with easily configurable with our restaurant mobile apps.
Restaurant App Admin Dashboard
- Manage single restaurant
- Admin can access sales report for own restaurant
- Manage Categories and Menu Items
- Access new order and update their delivery status
- Table Booking Approve / Reject from Admin CMS
- Manage Coupon , Tag , Users List
- Send Push notifications to app users
- Loyalty points and Manage Delivery pincode Area
- Chat with customer
- Setting and Manage Blog/Articles
- Many more...
Restaurant Mobile App
- Table booking and special offers
- List of Categories and Menu Item
- Add to cart and checkout ( Manage Delivery address)
- Delivery zip check
- Apply promo coupon and use loyalty points
- Checkout and Payment ( PayPal , Stripe , COD )
- Track order in real-time
- Testimonial and Subscription
- Blog , Recent Post and instagram integration
- Clean Responsive UI design
- Develop with Angular 5 and NodeJs Rest API
- Many more...
Nodejs CMS/Backend for Restaurant App
We built this Nodejs CMS for single restaruatnt app that has all the API configuration that will help you integrate with you online restaurant apps.
Nodejs CMS Features:
1) Manage your Menu Items .
2) Mange your delivery
3) Mange your menu items categories
4) Manage your offers
5) Realtime notification on new orders
6) Selling Report and graphs.
7) Manage Coupons
8) Manage Orders
9) User details
10) Chat
11) Manage various settings such as
a) Currency settings
b) Image uploader (app ,web and dashbaord)
c) Mange delivery option such as managing delivery area,Manage delivery status,manage delivery price setting
d) Buisness Info
e) Working Hours
12) Add testimonials
13) Feedbacks
14) Add new news
15) Manage Table booking
16) Manage Tags
17) Push Notification