Flutter ToDo App Screens
Flutter To Do Application is built with the latest leading technology FLUTTER & is a very useful application for today's fast world.
TODO Flutter Mobile App Layouts
- Different categories
- To Do lists
- Fix priorities
- User settings & profile
- Events,Schedules & many more
- Calendar
Flutter TODO Mobile App
An application that help you to managing your day-to-day works. Flutter TODO App is a starter kit for Flutter. You can use this app to manage your daily work and you can use their UI/UX code to build your own next Flutter project. This project has been written using dart. The visual design can easily be customized and all aspects of the app. So if you a developer then you can download source code on GitHub and customize as aspect as per your choice and build a awesome project for your personal uses or small team uses.
Purpose of Building App?
Since Flutter were launched by Google, and we were find out that their features and nature of code looking very nice then we were very existing to build some application and test it out their over flow and behavior of Dart and Flutter SDK. So we start to build with a TODO application that help users to manage their daily life todo work and achieve what they setup a goal for themselves. And we make it open-source so even any developer can use this app source code and start leaning development with Flutter SDK.
What Challenge we faced?
Since we start just after launch of Flutter that's why not able to find any open community and much support forum. The only way we do this is experiment and implementation. Our team put hours-of-hours time into development to know their flow and behavior and understand all the features and development aspect of Flutter app development.
What we come up with Flutter Mobile App Development?
We start build A TODO app on Flutter and we come with that Flutter going to be a future of development for cross-platforms native app development. Why it is? then here is following main factors that will help you out with that.
Beautiful UI/UX: It is very easy to build a grate and clean UI/UX for any applications with the widgets. Here every thing we have to build in widgets that provide more flexibility.
Cross-Platform Nature: It has cross-platform native app development that save a lot of time to build application and provide a nice over flow of code and speed up our SDLC.
One Code-base: It has one code base feature that allow us to build a single code base for both platform like Android and IOS. A single code allow us to build native app for both plat form that helps us to speed our development process as well as we don't required to multiple development team for that.
SDLC: It's Software development life cycle (SDLC) is very easy and less in time consuming.
Cost: Flutter App Development will save our costing and time, because now we don't required multiple development team to build an native application.
Why use Flutter TODO?
For Users:
No Fee: There is no fee to use our TODO app, Here you can manage your day to day work and set priority even set notifications so that you can track your work and make note what you missed and what are important work you have to do at that particular time and date.
Priority: You can set your work priority so you can easy to follow and finish your important work on time.
Daily Update: You can add your daily work and/or update your work so you never missed your work or you want to that work follow to the next day then you can extend that for the next day.
Flexible Date: You can set your flexible date to finish your work. Like, If you think any work go for one wekk then you set up your time upto one week for that work.
Delete and Update: Once you have been done with your work or that work no longer updates then you can Delete that work form Flutter TODO app or you think any work has been updated their time then you can extend their time and date.
Notification: You can set your notification then that Flutter mobile app will notified you if you have missed or forget your work.
*Data charges may apply. Contact your provider for details.
For Flutter Developer:
If you are a developer or want to build a Flutter App then you can use this app as an open-source project and download source code from GitHub (https://github.com/ionicfirebaseapp/flutter-app) or you can download from here and start building your first app with Flutter SDK.
For Users: If you love to follow a plan and don't miss your work dead line then this app will help you out with keep tracking with your day-to-day work with work notifications, priority, turn around time (TAT) and many more feature that help you out to achieve your daily basis goal.
For Developers: If you are a developer and love to build native application? Then this Flutter Mobile app will you out to give a hand free development with Flutter based on enterprise standard. Here you will get our free source code that you can use and check out the Flutter Development process and flow of the code & it's execution with all setup, And you can start build your idea with that and it's single code base and cross-platforms nature will help you out to save lost of time to develop an application with Flutter.