Fully customizable UI kit, ready-to-use by the end-users with easily configurable Online Grocery Ordering Mobile Application/Software built on latest leading technology Flutter. You Should check out with app features.
- Browse categories and their Menu items
- Add to cart Menu items
- Live order tracking
- Manage Address and Checkout features
- Online store locator
- Order history
- Offers, Coupons, Taxes applied
- Develop on Flutter
- Clean UI and Easy to Customize
Flutter Grocery Store App
What is Our Grocery Store Delivery Mobile App?
We build our Grocery Store Delivery App that help you out to build your own mobile app and make online business successful. This application helps you out to give a delightful shopping experience with your own Grocery mobile app. This app single store application so you can list your own product on this app and categorized based on your product categories, delivery location, online payment, live chat and stock management.
Here are main feature of our Flutter Shopping App:
Home Screen Banner: Once user login to this app then they will see the home page banner that has been updated by you. It will some offer banner, your latest products or most selling products and what you would like to make it highlight.
Categories: It allow you manage your products based on categories so that it is easy to users to find their product without much hustle and save their time.
Browse Categories and Menu Items: User can browse the products items based on categories to make a purchase and save time and energy.
Add to Card: Once user can find their products then they can add that products on cart and keep shopping with other products that they are looking and keep adding to cart. So at the end they directly go to cart and check out all the list and do make an order online form their account.
Live Order Tracking: This feature help users to track their order status and where it has been reached.
Manage Multiple Address and Checkout Feature: This feature helps user to manage their address based on their availability on that day. Means, they can multiple address like home, office, friends home etc and manage order delivery based on their choice. Now they can also manage the Checkout feature. Like how they want to checkout, like when they want to get deliver this order, how they want to pay like COD or online payment and others.
Online Store Location: This helps users to locate themselves with their current location. Now just allow with their device locate me Grocery Store app will fetch your current location based on your mobile devices.
Order History: Here user can track their order history. In case they want to order same products items then it will save their time and energy.
Offers, Coupon, Taxes Applied: In the Flutter Shopping Grocery app user will get the feature to get offer and coupon code that has been running by store and while do checkout they can apply and save their money.
Online Payment: This application has online payment facilities that allow user to do secure online payment while checkout or purchase the items.
Live Chat: Live chat help user to get interact with you directly in case if they have any issues with their product or order updates or others.
User Information Management: This allows user to change their personal information like name, email id, contact number, address, pics if it will required.
Develop with Flutter: App developed with Flutter that allows your app to work native on multiple platforms with a single codebase with expressive UI.
Note: This app has only UI theme if you would like to manage it's data then you required your backend or CMS to manage it. For that you have to own backend or you can checkout our App Backend.
If you would like to go with Full working Grocery Store Delivery app then you can check out our Grocery Store App pro. It has been come with all feature that we mention above along with a backend that helps you to manage your app data at one point with simple UI and 100% secure.
Why you Required Grocery App for your business?
Since wall street journal report more than 60% grocery shopping going through mobile app and the grocery business has been growing gradually. As per servery it will touch around $29.7 billion dollar by 2020. And Walmart and Amazon give their statement they going to focus on Grocery categories because they are getting a numerous growth on this sector.
Why We Choose Flutter to build Grocery Store App?
We choose flutter build this grocery store shopping app. We choose Flutter because it has following features that help you provide best feature.
Cross-Platforms: Flutter helps to build cross-platforms application that save our time to develop application as well it has been helping out to manage code very easily.
A Single Codebase: Flutter has a Single codebase that speed up our development process and with single codebase this app has been working grate on both Android and iOS.
Fast Development: Flutter helps us speed up our development process with Flutter widget and fully customization widgets. It's hot reload feature helps us to experiment, build UIs, adding feature and allows to fix bug faster.
Native Platforms: This Grocery app has been working very well same as native app for both Android and iOS. It's in build widgets features incorporate with all critical platform differences such as navigation, scrolling, icons and fonts, and your Flutter code is compiled to native ARM machine code using Dart's native compilers. Hence Flutter gives our grocery app full native performance on both iOS and Android.
Expressive UI: Flutter has in build material design and Cupertino (iOS-flavor) widgets, rich motion APIs, smooth natural scrolling, and multiple platform awareness that helps us to build a beautiful and expressive UI that will give a nice user experience.
If you would like to build your Grocery store app on other technologies or do you have any specific customization then you can check out our custom Grocery App Development Services and process.