How to Build a News App

Consumption of news is essential to keep up with the pace of the world. But today the consumption of news has shifted towards websites and mobile apps. It is not long, instead, it is short and speaks to the point. The news today has to travel at the speed of light and mobile apps are helping one do that.
Gone are the days of carrying a newspaper, or radio, and searching for a television channel for news at a specific time. Today with technological advancement news has found a relatively better way to meet the audience and that is – News App.
BBC, CNN, New York Times and Times of India today have mobile applications built along with newspapers and periodical magazines. The reason is easy accessibility to the audience. Therefore, mobile application building is important if you wish to share the news with the audience.
How to Make a News App?
Collecting News API
After all, you will be receiving the content for the news app from somewhere? So, if you are dealing with a single publication that uses original content then you develop your own API. Otherwise, you can avail your API from,
- Event Registry
- Web search API
- Newsriver
- Aylien
Selecting the API depends upon your specific requirements. For financial news apps, you would need a niche-specific API like Bloomberg News or Dow Jones; for sports ESPN API and for general news any of the above options would work.
Putting aside category-based news. You need to decide before what niche you would bound yourself with. It helps in creating a smooth algorithm and adding tags as well.
Text underline & save underlined text:
Ever read a piece of content on News360, Medium, or In short? So, you must be aware of the saving and sharing features of these apps. The point is, if you have no idea, you can have a look at these ideal apps and select the same feature for your audience. It helps one not just save but the point is that it helps one share a piece of content on social media and that provides free publicity and fame.
You can also add the feature of saving the content offline.
Email Alerts:
You can have your audience registered with their email address and drop them regular newsletters, important updates, and news by sharing links to news that is important.
Push Notifications & News Alerts:
One of the best ways to engage customers with the daily news updates. Once after opts for push notifications, he/she can receive the updates 24*7 directly. It adds a personalized touch as it synchronizes with the audience’s interest. It makes the engagement way better.
It totally is your call but monetizing the apps does bring a lot of revenue. you can choose the ads to ensure it's not irritating or disturbing the audience's reading time. You can go for paid sponsorships relevant to your audience’s interests.
Personal Profile:
This helps you know what content is liked by one user. The audience can log in with their email id or phone number. After that, they can like comments and share easily on other social media platforms. This makes your app more social and personalized for the users.
| So, how do you get started?
Step 1- Drawing the News App specification and requirements.
Have a very clear and specific list of requirements for your news applications. Until you don’t know the requirements you cannot help the developers get a specific prototype. So, it is essential to know what would you offer your audience.
Step 2 – Prototyping
Secondly, you build a wireframe of each app screen. As in the look, flow of content, work mode online and offline, and much more in great detail.
Step 3 - Creating News App Designs
The design as in how it would look and work for the audience is important. The app has to pass the test to be the best and provide the best user experience. It happens only if the app has,
Conformity with trends:
A simple and clear navigation system of the mobile application.
Step 4 - Development of the app
Before the new app development starts, ensure the framework you would want it to be on. Like, are you building for both iOS and Android? And often would want it to upgrade and so on. Once you are satisfied the development of the news app starts. A clear code is written to ensure the error-free operation of the service.
You either hire a freelancer or a software developing company for the same. They offer the same news app as you want. You can either buy a readymade app that will start within a week after customization.
Ionicfirebaseapp is a leading software development company with a decade of experience. we help you build an app from scratch until you get live with your product.
Step 5 - Testing
The pivotal part of any app development is to check if the app developed is working fine. You check its performance, look, and how easy it is to operate. After that, one can be pursued through to the final step.
Step 6 – Release and Support
After giving it a good test and finding it bug-free. You release the app on the Google Play store. After that, you can do some marketing for your app until it gets proper fame. And then, enjoy the benefits.
You can also avail the free app and customize it. There are numerous companies that offer readymade flutter news app for free. You just can’t have the copyright for it but it's worth it if you are just starting. If you want to give it a try then you can try our opensource flutter news app here
Technology has touched each aspect of life and is constantly growing at the same pace. Each news production firm today has its own brand and app built; it helps in reaching customers easily. Look at all the news apps available and select the best prototype app.
Create technical specifications and have your prerequisites ready before you invest. Ionicfirebaseapp is best known for delivering as promised and with the best result-oriented apps.