How Much Does It Cost To Build News Mobile App?

Why do we build a newspaper and/or news mobile app or how much does it cost?
There was a time when we used to wait to get our turn to get a newspaper or magazine to read and update ourselves. Whatever now time got changed since the internet and mobile app came. Now we got our daily news updates notification on our hands through mobile-based on our interests and we can read anywhere at any time with no need to wait to get the newspaper and we can save our valuable time.
Now we are living in an era where the internet and mobile phones are taking over the business and users' attraction. Now people don’t love to read a book or carry physical books or carry newspapers. As per a survey newspaper sales went down more than 7% since the mobile app had been invented. As per people's survey, users spend time more than 2 hours reading the news and its updates on the internet through mobile.
Now our daily lifestyle everything comes on mobile and we love to get things on just one tab on our hand. Since mobile app has been invented now it is pretty easy for users to customize their news updates and read only whatever they love.
For Example: When mobile app and the internet was not there we have to wait to get a newspaper however we don’t read all news but we only used to read as per our interest, like someone read-only business news, someone used to read sport only, someone used to read business news, someone used entertainment news only and likewise. But for that, we also have to wait to get a newspaper or favorite magazine to our hand.
However now time changes, now we can customize our news updates based on our interests and set up our notifications to get updated. Now, this is part of user attraction and how it has been changing.
Why we Should have News App?
Since user interaction has been shifted on mobile and the internet and users giving more attention to their phones and cutting out from physical carry things. So we have to provide our source or content to a user with which they are comfortable and easy to reach.
Every content distributor or creator needs a source to reach more users to get its benefits and get feedback to them and today internet and mobile are the best way to reach out to your potential users to share your content. Around 50% of users using the internet through mobile in 2019.
Mobile’s Share of Total Internet Time:
You can all news media companies like BBC, AAJ TAK, USA Today, CNN, Fox News, the Washington Post, Wall Street Journal, New York Times, and others build their mobile app and get more interaction with their users to compare than any other sources. If you check their download then you can find out they have millions of users using the mobile app that allows them to reach all of them just in on notification within a few seconds.
As per the report of the Audit Bureau of Circulation (ABC), the reader of print media has decreased in India. The same is the case with countries such as the USA, UK, Germany, etc.
So no one is going to miss that to reach out to that user's database.
Benefits of News App
There are a lot of benefits of news mobile app but we mention some major benefits.
Reach: You can reach more customers with minimal effort and our content distribution is quite easy. We can be notified in just one to all our users without any delivery boy required and people got notified on their mobile app.
User Attraction: User attraction is much higher than in newspapers or physical magazines. Users can actually communicate with you directly and/or indirectly and if they have any suggestions that you usually do not frequently get in a physical newspaper.
Subscriber: We can reach more subscribers that called potential users or readers to our news or content.
Revenue: You can increase your revenue through online advertising integration in your mobile app.
Higher Conversion Rate:
Compared to newspapers and magazines there is a much higher conversion rate because here users can communicate directly with you however in physical newspapers there is no direct communication.
Through the news mobile app, you can customize your user based on their behavior and you can provide that content to that user based on their interest as well as you can show the ads based on their interests that help you increase conversion rate and generate more revenue.
There was a time when we required a bunch of people to deliver your content to doorsteps to your potential readers and it was too much process and time. Now through the news mobile app, we just need a few seconds to get reached millions of potential readers and the process is minimal. We just have to sit in our place and push notification will do all our work. It will deliver your content in a few seconds to your potential customers.
Easy to Reach and Extend Your Content Distribution:
If you have your own news mobile app then you can upload it to play stores and people will download it from there itself, so you can reach more audiences around the globe without area of boundation. Whereas in the physical newspaper you are required to deliver all areas and you have to put lots of money, time, process, and other hustle. Here is no hustle just one click on the play store and you reach your potential reader without any location barrier with all hustle that you have been facing to date physically.
Like that there are many more features and benefits of having your news mobile app. If you would like to know more detail then drop us a mail at or just click on the live chat button and we’ll reach out to you.
What are the basic features that should have in a news app?
The following basic features should have a mobile app:
Categories Based: Content should be optimized based on categories so that users can go to their area of interest and save time while searching for mixed-up content.
Expressive UI: Don’t have a more complicated User interface ( UI ). It should be very expressive and easy to use so that it helps users or readers to find their area of interest content smoothly.
User Signup: There should be user sign-up features so that you can get their user data and track them what is their area of interest as well as pretend to misuse your content.
Subscription: Subscription feature should be there so users can subscribe to your new app so whenever you update any new news then they got notified about your content update.
News Feed: Newsfeed will be there so users can check out all the latest news feed like what is trending and what news update is going around.
Social Sharing and Sign In: Social sharing button should be there so if users want to share with anyone any information they can share it on their social media or WhatsApp with others. As well as there should be social signup because users don’t want to enter the date manually they click on sign up through Gmail, Facebook, Twitter, and other social media platforms and get into the app.
User Account Management: Users should be able to manage their account like they can update their personal data, do the bookmark favorite content, and all.
Ad Placement: There should be a function where you can place your ads to reach out to your potential customer and generate revenue for your news or media business.
Geo Location: You should have a Geo-location enabled that helps you to deliver your content as well as ads based on location through push notification.
Podcast and Video: App should have podcast and video features so you can update your live communication or discussion through a podcast or video media.
Push Notification: It allows you to get your user notified with your new updated content in one push.
Like, Comment and Share: Your app should have a like, comment, and share feature so users can express their feelings while or after reading the content.
On Which Platform you should build iOS or Android?
You should have built on both platforms, You don’t worry now technologies getting changed every day so you don’t need different technologies to build an Android and iOS app. Through Flutter you can build for both platforms with a single code base.
How Much Does it Cost to Build A News/Newspaper App?
It depends on your requirement, criteria, and features.
- Like on which platform do you like to build (Like Android or iOS or both).
- Which technologies do you want to use.
- What would be your development type, will it be native or hybrid.
- What are the features you want in your app.
- Company standard and infrastructure (are you going to hire reputed, mid-level, or freelancer).
- You want to build in-house or you want to outsource.
However, these are some points that will matter to the cost to build your newspaper mobile app. And if you can calculate as per Minimum viable product (MVP) then it will round up avg $20000. It might be varies depending on the above point that we mentioned.
It might look like a big amount but if you calculate for the long term and compare it with all the hustle and time & operation involved in the physical newspaper then it will be very less and more profitable and that will be the future of your news business.
If you would like to take free consultant about news app development with our development company then you can contact us
Or if you would want to start with a very basic features news mobile app then you can go with our ready to use news mobile application.
You can check our Mobile App here: Free News Mobile App
Cost of this app will be $29. Note: There is no customization, if you want any customization then there will be additional charges as well as there will an additional services for setup if you would like to do our team on behalf of you.
News App Admin Dashboard/Backed: News App Dashboard/Backend
Cost of backend/admin dashboard is $99. Note: There is no customization, If you want any customization then there will be additional charges as well as there will an additional services for setup if you would like to do our team on behalf of you.
Still have any queries then feel free to contact us or just click on your right live chat button and we’ll get connected within a few seconds.